No. 15 Caverns Country
Luxury Living Magazine Presents
Home Up No. 1 Victoria Falls Golf Course No. 2 Smokey Mountains No. 3 Redwood Forest No. 4 Grand Canyon Country Club No. 5 Big Sur Golf Country Club No. 6 Fujiyama Gardens Country Club No. 7 Desert Winds Municipal No. 8 Mauna Pele No. 9 St. Ians Imperial No. 10 Alps International No. 11 Larsen Ice Shelf No. 12 Okefenokee No. 13 Lake Superior No. 14 Machu Pichu Golf No. 15 Caverns Country No. 16 St. Ludwigs Royal No. 17 Wall Street Golf No. 18 Iguassu Falls No. 19 Nineteenth Hole

No. 15 Caverns Country Club

No. 15 Caverns Country Club No. 15 Caverns Country Club 

The course is a spelunker's paradise of spectacular stalagmites, stalactites, hidden pools and enormous caverns. It's an exciting atmosphere, so alive with creatures of the night that a one below par score on this hole is called a "bat" instead of a "birdie." The best shot for most of the course is the half-topped roller, but on this hole the player suddenly must adjust his game and execute a high cut shot to bridge the fathomless chasm and hod the ball on the green. No. 15, 135 Yards, Par 3, Number 6 handicap.

Print signed by artist Loyal H. Chapman


9"x12" unsigned



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